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Gather Together This Fall

Gather Together This Fall

We’re All Busy

As this Autumn season approaches, we gather leaves in our yards, collect sweaters in our closets, and boots by the back door. But I love to gather people too, especially people from different parts of my life and have them intersect in a relaxed setting. It’s said that there’s only a few degrees of separation between all of us and that as technology explodes the world becomes a smaller place. But the reality is that we’re all busy and Fall is no exception. School schedules, marching band or sports teams, tailgating, fundraisers, yard work, getting your boat or house ready for winter, and there is always more work that can be done. 

No Time

It’s just so easy to let the weeks go by and the season passes and before you know it, the holidays are coming and then there is no time to actually get together with friends let alone fit in all the extra commitments with your kids and family. 

Enough is Enough!

So I am saying enough! I am not letting the Fall season whip by in a blur of activities and wonder how it got to be Thanksgiving already. I am going to gather friends on a Friday night and let them come over to enjoy pizza and not worry after a long week at work that they have to bring something. 

Full, Satisfied, and Loved

We are going to create dinner together and laugh as we roll dough and get warm by the bonfire. We are going to relax with each other and enjoy a warm drink and watch as the sun sets. We will bring out the cards and play a game or two or friends might go home early because it’s been a long week. However the evening is spent, we will have gathered together for a short while and checked in with each other. And we will all go to bed that night full and satisfied and loved. Sounds like a pretty good way to spend a Friday night.

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