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Fall Friday Nights

Enjoy Fall Friday Nights

And just like that, overnight it becomes fall. Yesterday we were at the beach and today I am wearing a sweatshirt and layers and had to pull out warm socks. I haven’t looked at my sock drawer in months. I had really hoped to put it off for a little while longer.

Not So Fast

The Midwest always seems to pull a fast one on us. Summer turns to fall overnight and then surprise! Summer shows up again. Right after we’ve put away the beach chairs and pulled out the window AC units. That happens every single year!

Time to Let Go

Now that I live on the west side of Michigan in a beach town, I honestly have a hard time letting go of summer. I love fall but the sunny summer days of porch sitting, beach going, and outdoor dining have their allure. So now the apple picking, cozy sweater days, and backyard bonfire nights will have to start luring me into loving this season once again.

Evening Under the Stars

One thing that stays constant, no matter what season we’re in, is our Friday night pizza nights. In the summer, cooking outdoors is a great way to keep our house cool and come fall, grilled pizza is the perfect accompaniment to a bonfire. Invite a few friends, spread out, and enjoy an autumn evening together under the stars.

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