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Thankful Giving

Thankful Giving

So Thankful

This month is all about reflecting on the good things in our lives, letting others know how thankful we are for them, and expressing our gratefulness by giving to others.

I am so thankful for your support of my small business over this past year! Every purchase, post comment, and note emailed has meant so much! I have really loved meeting many of you as you introduce yourself to me at markets. 

It still humbles and amazes me that my designs have so many fans! But I do love celebrating all the great things about where we live, and I am excited that many of you will give my products as unique gifts to remind you and your loved ones where you have traveled to, towns you love, and memories made. 

Giving to Others

Did you know that with every purchase you make, whether on tandemfortwo.com or any retail store that carries my goods across the US, a donation will be made to help those who are homeless? 

Each month, 10% of every purchase gives homeless kids a birthday party through The Birthday Party Project, a national non-profit organization and this month we are donating to the Soup For All fundraiser that raises awareness and funds homeless prevention efforts in our area. Keep making a difference!

So far this year, we provided over 50 Birthdays-in-a-Bag to kids in need across the US! When everything else has changed in a kid's life and there doesn't seem much to celebrate, they can feel special on their birthday.

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