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5 Ways To Say I Love You

5 Ways To Say I Love You

Looking for some creative ways to say "I love you?" Try out a few of these:

1. Give your undivded attention 

Close the laptop, put away your phone, turn off the tv, look them in the eye when they come in the room and really listen.

2. Write a love note 

Short or long it doesn't matter, but write (not just text) them that you love them or what you love about them and leave it on their pillow, bedside table, in their packed lunch, or a sticky note on the bathroom mirror.

Tandem For Two, Little Love Notes Printable

3. Give them a random surprise 

Sneak their favorite candy bar in their lunch, have their favorite dessert waiting for them at home, show up at their workplace or school with lunch.

4. Make their favorite meal or dessert 

Can't cook? Try something simple or get their favorite take-out and set the table to look special.

5. Send a care package 

They aren't just for college students, but surprise anyone in your life that doesn't live near you with little things you know they will like or need or wouldn't buy for themselves. Hit the #Target dollar spot, a nearby dollar store, or travel section for little quantities of their favorite toiletries, office supplies and stationery, makeup and nail polish, candy or baked goods. Or make things at home and include a homemade card.

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