Embrace In Between September Days
In Between Days
The mornings are dawning cooler and the afternoons feel like evening as the sun is so much lower on the horizon than just a short month ago. These September days are the days in between. In between the bright days of summer and the dark days of winter. Caught between hot and cold, not quite fall but no longer summer. I love these days, but I’ve always been one to embrace change.
Bitter and Sweet
As much as I hate to see summer depart and as much as I have enjoyed time with my daughter, it is time to bring on fall, time for change, and time for her next chapter to begin away at college. I have friends at all stages - friends with kids heading to elementary and middle school. Some with new high schoolers, while others have kids moving out or are snowbirds and closing up their homes here. No matter the stage, this season seems to bring the bitter with the sweet. Change, even good change, brings uncertainty as the season ahead unfolds.
Unexpected Gift
So in this in between time when change is all around us, let’s embrace being in the middle. Enjoy the hot and the cold, the dark and the light, these uncertain days. They can be an unexpected gift, filled with warmth that we can't take for granted since we never know how long it will last.