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Full Up with Spring Celebrations!

Full Up with Spring Celebrations!

May is always a full month for us. Full of flowers and warmer days, full of birthday celebrations, our wedding anniversary, Mother's Day and Memorial Day. Now this year we're throwing in prom and graduation as well! I love to celebrate and make a bit of fuss over loved ones, no matter the occasion!


I grew up in a family where we always made a big deal of birthdays - that was our special day and we would get our favorite cake and splurge on dinner at a restaurant of our choice, no matter what night of the week it was or what else was going on. We’ve continued that tradition with our kids and they have grown up celebrating last day’s of school, Labor Day and the last day of summer, the independence of our country and our local Coast Guard, our new year and the Chinese New Year and all the birthdays in between. We celebrate new jobs, business successes, and athletic and academic endeavors. There really isn’t a shortage of moments to celebrate. 

Make Memories

Of course while celebrating, our family makes plenty of memories, but we try to be intentional not just about milestones but about moments. Sometimes with four working adults in our house, moments are all we get, or even then times of connection can be scare. We still try to connect our schedules to share dinner or a movie night, go for a walk, or have conversation over coffee. Our family has a lifetime of stories of making memories from vacations and camping trips to baking and cooking together, and we have to be intentional to make sure that continues.

Help Others Belong

I am a gatherer. I gather people. When I see someone on the sidelines of a room I usually go up to them or pull them into the conversation. When I’m in a meeting or a group and someone is quiet, I’ll ask what they think of the subject at hand. I want others to feel included. We all have this innate sense of wanting to belong - either to be included or part of something bigger than ourselves. This sure has been challenging this past year, but I’ve been trying to check in with friends, peers, and family. We all need to know we aren’t alone.

Making sure I celebrate, make memories, and help others belong in my personal life and business has been defining for me. It gives meaning to how I live and how I run my business! Get more ideas on how to celebrate on my blog!

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