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May = Celebrate The Month & Those You Love

May = Celebrate The Month & Those You Love

May has always been a month full of celebrations at our house. It is a month full of birthdays, an anniversary and Mother’s Day. When I was about to get married I told my soon to be husband how lucky he was to only have one month to remember my birthday, our anniversary, and Mother’s Day. He only had to go to the card store once and he was set for the whole year! Now we celebrate not only my birthday, but my daughter, a niece, and a nephew!

I love the month of May! I love to give gifts (and receiving is fun too) and enjoy seeing the earth wake up from the brown and bare end of winter. Lime green buds, bright yellow forsythia, pastel flowers of all kinds, and days where we can feel the warm breeze of summer coming.

Not only are we celebrating people, but milestones too as we near the end of the school year. We celebrate graduating from one grade to the next or graduating from high school or college altogether. We say goodbye to teachers that will change next year or to towns that have been home for 4 years.

Springtime Gift Tags Printable, Tandem For Two

In the midst of the full schedule of year end concerts, sporting events, art shows, last field trips and parties, final exams, college entrance exams, and summer job applications (then add birthdays and Mother’s Day on top of all that), we can either feel overwhelmed and tired, or enjoy and savor every moment. Every year seems to go by faster and faster no matter what age we are or stage we’re in. I think one way to slow down the moments and enjoy them is to celebrate those we love. Our kids, our mom’s, our students and graduates, teachers, and veterans.

I don’t know about you, but I am ready to party this month! And pick flowers, and give gifts, and remind so many people in my life how much I love and appreciate them. I hope you do the same!

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