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December = Tidings of Comfort & Joy

December = Tidings of Comfort & Joy

Comfort and Joy - I’m experiencing that right now as I am cozied up on the couch with our little dachshund in a blanket, a cup of hot coffee, and watching the snow fall lightly through our french doors into our tree covered backyard. I am very comfortable and feel much joy as I think about my family, our plans for this month, and how my business has done this year. Have there been ups and downs? Certainly. There has actually been heartache and anxiety and fear. But in the midst of it all there has been comfort and in this moment, and actually in the last few months, there has been joy.

As we reflect back on this year, as we are apt to do this month, what are the people or places or activities that have brought you joy? Have we told those people or have we spent time with them lately? What activities bring you joy and have you made time for them?

I am a doer. I love to spend time with others usually doing something. My teenager daughter still likes to bake and my son knows his way around the kitchen so I’m hoping they will both spend time with me this month making cookies and candies and jams and giving them to our neighbors and local food pantry like we’ve done in previous years. I do need to do a better job of telling them that being with them brings me joy. Those with teens know that moments with them are fleeting, but I think those with little ones can be so busy in the playing, teaching, cleaning, repeat routine that we forget to tell our kids that we love being with them (even when we’re tired and they're cranky). I have friends with empty nests that have poured themselves into their careers or their grandchildren or travel but I’m wondering if they’ve told those they do life with that they bring them joy?

I think we can all spread more comfort and joy to those around us this month and in the process feel more of it ourselves.

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