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10 Ways to Have a Great Road Trip!

10 Ways to Have a Great Road Trip!

I love me a good road trip! There's just something about filling up the gas tank, loading a few supplies in the car and taking off to explore. Here's my top 10 ways to make it a great trip!
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March = Time to Take a Road Trip & Explore

March = Time to Take a Road Trip & Explore

After this unseasonably warm and snowless winter, I already have spring fever. I hear birds chirping, see spring flowers up a month early and have a bad case of wanderlust. I’m itching to road trip and explore.
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5 Ways To Say I Love You

5 Ways To Say I Love You

Looking for some creative ways to say "I love you?" Try out a few of these:
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February = Layer Your Home with Love and Comfort

February = Layer Your Home with Love and Comfort

I’m not sure what it is about winter, maybe because we live in a colder climate, because we’re indoors more, maybe it’s the remaining effects of Christmas goodwill, or it’s just because our family is in between sports seasons, but we always seem to spend a lot more time together as a family.
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January = What's On This Year's Bucket List?

January = What's On This Year's Bucket List?

A new year, a fresh start. It’s like opening a new notebook and making your first list or drawing on the first clean sheet of paper (for those of us who are paper nerds). I have an organization-loving heart.
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December = Tidings of Comfort & Joy

December = Tidings of Comfort & Joy

Comfort and Joy - I’m experiencing that right now as I am cozied up on the couch with our little dachshund in a blanket, a cup of hot coffee, and watching the snow fall lightly through our french doors into our tree covered backyard.
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November = Giving Thanks

November = Giving Thanks

As the holiday season amps up, the weather turns colder, and our schedules start to get even busier with more activities, it does seems like a good month to stop and give thanks. 
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October = Fall Into the Season

October = Fall Into the Season

Apple picking, hot spiced cider or mulled wine, pumpkins on the front porch, roasted pumpkin seeds, football games, crunchy leave piles…when you think of this season a lot of great things come to mind if you live in the northern part of our country. 
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September = Love where you live!

September = Love where you live!

This past weekend my husband and I found ourselves alone for dinner. Both teenagers had work and friend commitments, so we decided spur of the moment to have a date night. 
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August = Finish summer with a bang!

August = Finish summer with a bang!

Summer goes by entirely too fast. Goes isn’t even the best word: zooms, runs, swims, bikes. Whatever we filled our summer with, we always seem to run out of time to do it all before we get in the back-to-school mode. 
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July = Summer Celebrations, Tandem For Two

July = Summer Celebrations

July, the heart of summer. A time for bike rides, mid-day porch swings, rocking chairs, and picnics. All the things that make up little memories throughout the summer. 
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June = Summer Firsts

June = Summer Firsts

I love living in Michigan for it's change in seasons! I like change. I like looking forward to new things. I love the traditions and shake up of routines that a change of season can bring.
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